Friday, October 2, 2009

Five Question Friday

It's time again for Mama M's Five Question Friday.  I look forward to this every week because it gives me chance to learn more about Belli.  Since I give answers that I think she would give it helps me to think about her and learn thing's about her I may not have though of.  So here goes...

1.  What is your favorite ABBA songs?
A-B-B-A?  Geez you adults don't even know your ABC's.

2.  The thing you love most about the fall?
The cool air.  I almost always have some sort of cast or neck brace on (and this year a halo and vest lined with fake wool) and they can get really hot.  That cool air keeps me from sweating so much.

3.  What store would you love to spend your heart's desire?  Money is no object.
I would buy every pair of BabyLegs every made.  Ok that's not true...that just what mommy told me to say.  I would spend it in Toys-R-Us to buy Sesame Street movies.

4.  What is your favorite snack food?
I heart Goldfish.

5.  What was your first car?
Last Christmas I got my very own ice cream truck.  It plays music and has bars around it so I don't fall out.  I'm not allowed to use my cell phone while I'm driving though.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Amanda, that is too cute!!! I especially loved the ABBA response! I love how you answer these "for Isabelle"!!!

  2. Ice cream truck- love it! Glad the cooler air will make you a little more comfy, Isabelle! :)

  3. Its good to know you are being taught driving safety at such an early age. ;-}

  4. Hey there!! I awarded you with...well, an award! It's on my blog!

  5. Belli is so cute! In fact, I don't think she can get any cuter! Can I borrow her, I think she is probably the only person who could convince Homie, enough football is ENOUGH. So cute!


  6. Aww thanks! Sure you can borrow her. Don't let that cute little face and witty humor fool you though =-)
