Monday, January 25, 2010

Bed Head

Yep, Isabelle has it big time.  Bed head that is.  I have these pictures from about a year ago showing her bed head.

But in the five and a half months she had her halo on I completely forgot about her bed head because she was never laying on her head.  Her hair would be in the exact same place it was when I laid her down the night before.  So you can imagine my surprise (and laughter) when she woke up the morning after getting her halo off and she looked like this (excuse the dirty looking hair, Isabelle sweats at night and she had just woken up): 


  1. Hi just found your blog. What a sweet girl. Come and visit me some time too

  2. Even with messy hair she's still a doll! Love her smiles!

  3. Dude, that's just wrong.

  4. That is hilarious! Baby bed head is so cute! Imagine if WE looked like that when we woke up!!

  5. She makes bed head look good! Too cute!

  6. I love it, adorable! My son sweats like crazy at night too and he wakes up with some crazy bed makes me laugh! :)

  7. You're just lucky she has so much hair! G has very little, and I'm waiting for it to grow so I can layer it with bows and ribbons and all sorts of girly stuff!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  8. Hey Amanda! This is April from "LifeoftheClarkes." If you read my last post, I hope it didn't disturb you or freak you out. If it did, please let me know. :)

  9. Not at all! I would have left a comment but I guess you have comments disabled. It did not disturb me at all. Thanks for letting me keep reading your blog =-)

  10. Let me just tell you that is EXACTLY how I look in the morning!
