Shortly after they gave Isabelle the Morphine at 10:30 it was time for her Motrin. We also decided to give her some Benadryl in case she was itching from the Morphine. The combination of those drugs knocked her out until 2:45 this afternoon. We know for sure now that she is itching because she had a big red mark on the back of her leg where she had been scratching. She has also been rubbing her face and nose a lot too. She was awake until about 6 when they gave her some more Benadryl. She was still asleep when we came back at 8. I went ahead and left so she could sleep and so I could get home and get some sleep myself. My wonderful coworker Amy has again been nice enough to let me work for her tomorrow so I could be with Isabelle Saturday after the surgery.
Over the weekend we had a couple of visitors. Thanks to Candi and Kelly (friends from The Bell Center) for coming by to see us. Hopefully once Isabelle is in her own room you guys can bring your sweet little ones. I know Isabelle would enjoy it! Thanks also to Aunt Karen and the Beane family (sorry I missed you guys), Lori Tittle, Aunt Betty, and Aunt Josephine.
Since I will be at work tomorrow I will not be there when Isabelle's surgeon comes for his morning rounds. However, my mom has explicit instructions to call me as soon as he leaves to tell me what he says as far as adding more weights, the surgery dates, etc. I will post as soon as I can but being at work I might not be able. If not I will try to get my sister to do. Either way we will have some more information tomorrow at some point.
Thinking of you. Lots and lots of love.